Monday, July 26, 2010

Fantastic Friday Crafts!

Here are the crafts for our Fantastic Friday on September 17, 2010. It will be a great night!! Sign-ups will be Sunday, August 8-September 5, unless noted. You can sign-up outside the kitchen and please pay when you sign-up.

Preparedness Binder

Family Mat (background choices may vary but we will have options)
Bring own 11x14 frame

FHE binder
26 lessons
Bring own binder and 4-12x12 in. scrapbook paper

Countdown Blocks
Sign-ups for this class end Aug. 29th

Christmas Magnets
$3/set of 3

Hand Magnets
$3/set of 3

Girl and Boy onesies
Bring own onesies
Bring your own sewing machine, thread, scissors
$2/onesie (this will pay for the fabric and interfacing)

Adult size OR child size Embellished T-shirt
Bring your own shirt, sewing machine, thread and scissors
$2.00 (this will pay for the fabric)

Halloween Tote bags
Fabric choices will vary

Christmas Charger
Cost $10.00

Bring own frame with glass
No extra cost


Cookies in a Jar (Oatmeal and Chocolate Chip available)

Glass Block
Vinyl choices will vary

Personalized Family sign
Bring own 12x12 OR 11x14 in.frame

"Believe" Sign

Christ Tile
Ribbon choices may vary

Glass Panel with Base
$13 for ONE glass panel, add $6 if you want to do both panels (the nativity and the temple)


"Proclamation to the World" Mat
Bring own 16x20 in. frame
$10 (or $2 if you provide the 11x14 in. mat)

Christ letters plus Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and lamb

Pyrex Etchings

Chocolate Bar Covers

Beach or Shopping Bag
Bring 2/3 yd. fabric, sewing machine, thread and scissors
No extra cost

"Cookies for Santa" Plate

FHE Board
Sign-ups end Aug. 29th

Picture Magnets
These magnets can have individual pictures of your family for the fridge or for the FHE board above.
Cost TBD

Temple Block

Picture Coming Soon!