Thursday, January 19, 2012

Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy

We had a great Relief Society Night this week. We talked about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Our two speakers each gave ideas for how to keep the Sabbath Day holy, no matter what your circumstances.

The first speaker was Katie Anderson. Here are a few of the things she talked about:

President Spencer W. Kimball said:

“The Sabbath is a holy day in which to do worthy and holy things. Abstinence from work and recreation is important, but insufficient. The Sabbath calls for constructive thoughts and acts, and if one merely lounges about doing nothing on the Sabbath, he is breaking it. To observe it, one will be on his knees in prayer, preparing lessons, studying the gospel, meditating, visiting the ill and distressed, writing letters to missionaries, taking a nap, reading wholesome material, and attending all the meetings of that day at which he is expected.” (“The Sabbath—A Delight,” Ensign, Jan. 1978, p. 4.)

The three aspects of keeping the Sabbath day holy

1. Rest from labors

2. Offerings of service

3. Worship- so when you think of keeping the Sabbath Day holy, try to think of these three things.

One thing I like to do is prepare for Sunday by making sure things are done on Saturday-

Prepare for Sunday- On Saturday (This is for ME, you might laugh at me, but this is what works for ME) – Make sure you have all your meals prepared and ingredients for Sunday, make sure clothes are ready (I try to lay my kids clothes out), make sure laundry is folded, make sure the house is tidy so I don’t worry about that on Sunday, make sure church bags are put together, lessons and talks prepared etc.

Ideas of good activities to do on Sunday- Let’s focus on what we CAN do as opposed to what we CAN’T or SHOULDN’T do. Think of it as a positive day instead of a restrictive day.

In President Kimball’s quote that I read before, he outlined some wonderful things we can do on the Sabbath like visiting the sick, writing to missionaries, etc. Here are a few more ideas.

We love to look at scrapbooks

Watch church videos

Take a walk- We love to walk up to Altisima Park together as a family

Play games with family

We love to just sit and talk as a family

Art projects

I found this and I love it: Each Sunday, feature a different family member in a "Why I Love You" spotlight. Display a picture and a hobby or craft of that person in a prominent place for a week. Write a brief history of the member and list all of their qualities and strengths.

I spoke to some sisters in the ward with kids ranging in all ages and here are some ideas they gave me:

Watching old home movies, working on faith in God and personal progress, ppis with Dad, yummy breakfast, walking the dog together if it's a nice day, family time - puzzles, church movies, skype with siblings who have moved out, help prepare meals, home teaching with parents, read scriptures, help with younger siblings (crafts, games...). A few fun things the kids have consistently liked to do (and I like it because they are playing together) are putting on plays (sometimes scripture stories, sometimes not) and setting up "stores" in their rooms (they sell trinkets and candy, or services like back rubs). They usually don't use real money, just paper or maybe small change from my purse:) Also, baking with one or more of the kids is something I like to do. Cooking on Sunday is less rushed, usually, and I think it's a great time to let kids help and learn/converse with me.

Here is a link to even more great ideas:

Karen Gerdts then gave a great talk about other ideas on keeping the Sabbath Day holy.

8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it bholy.9 aSix days shalt thou blabour, and do all thy work:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in itthou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thyastranger that is within thy gates:11 For in asix days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lordbblessed the sabbath day, and challowed it.

What was the first word of this commandment?

Why is remember so important?
“If you remember,” he said, “you won’t forget to pray. You won’t forget to serve or love. You will remember to read the scriptures. You will not forget your family and friends. You will remember to obey the prophet. You’ll keep in your heart the knowledge that Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us, and you will love him as he loves you. You will remember why you came to this earth. And you will remember you are sons and daughters of God. You can return home to him if you remember to keep his commandments and live your lives the way he has asked.”

So, we are now going to talk about how to REMEMBER to keep the Sabbath day holy.

No matter what group of womanhood you fall into REMEMBER this....

“Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually.” (Elder Donald L. Hallstrom: 'Turn to the Lord', General Conference 4/4/10)

Holy Sabbaths are for everyone

No matter what the stage of life we are in,

"we give our lives to that which we give our time"

WHY does Heavenly Father make all these great laws for us to follow?
(to help us perfect ourselves)

Doing one commandment, one covenant, one sacrifice at a time we are freed from the shackles of selfishness and become closer to becoming like our Heavenly Father and our Savior.

One of my challenges is, since there isn't anyone around to be teaching, watching and be an example to, it sometimes takes more discipline by me to make sure I'm still doing Sabbath things.... which has caused me to realize perhaps I was more interested in teaching my children about the Sabbath than changing my own heart and perfecting MY commitment...

Learning and perfecting and BECOMING is an ongoing truth. Takes self control...and desire to continue to BECOME.

How we observe the Sabbath indicates our feelings towards our Father in Heaven. — LeGrand R. Curtis
(Ensign, November 1990, page 13)

Let's see how do we do it?

I thought I'd share with you some things that have worked for me.

1. Go to ALL your Sunday Meetings!

Join the ward choir! Or Sing Noel

3. I always take a ride...I get a little claustrophobic on Sundays, so a nice little ride is in order...

You can drive somewhere beautiful and ponder. There's a beautiful bird sanctuary right down Modjeska Canyon. There are so many beautiful places near here (temple grounds) that you could just go and ponder, if you need a change of venue or just want some of that great time on your own....or just take a walk.

Pondering has led to many great revelations in my life.

6. I have organized my slides/photos (family history, right?)

7. I've gone through my old journals and edited them!

8. Family blog. Unique way to do family history. I write one story at a time and try to weave what lesson I learned because of it.

9. I don't see my husband very much on Sunday, so dinners are a nice time to catch a moment together. Make them simple so you aren't cooking like crazy on Sunday.

If you have family dinners with extended family, keep them simple...or have everyone bring something, so you aren't preparing for hours.

D & C88:63-66

63 aDraw bnear unto me and I will draw near unto you; cseek me diligently and ye shall dfind me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Honoring Sabbath is great way to draw near to Him....feel effects on ALL DAYS when do.

Great things happen when we honor the Sabbath...we are always reminded in the scriptures "keep commandments --> prosper"

After our speakers, we had some simple dinner ideas. We will have more copies of the recipes on Sunday!

Thanks to all who came and to all who participated!

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